Ok, so it's been a while since I wrote anything here. When I wrote that first comment, I really did have nothing on at work. But how things change. For the last few months work has been very full on, so now it's nice that we're in a bit of a lull. Who knows how long it will last tho…?
So to take full advantage of this slow period, last week I took some time off work and flew home to Brisbane. Two of my mates, Isaac and Christy, began their 18 months of travelling the world yesterday. So I thought I should go home to see them off. What a week...
Off topic for a sec, this is a pic of me and my mate Jo.
Arriving on Monday around lunch, I collected my bag and headed out to the drop-off/pick-up area, then proceeded to wait, watching out for Logie's blue convertible audi... And continued to wait. Then waited some more. Then I hear a familiar voice from behind me. "Get your arse in the car, wanker". It's Isaac. Turns out Logie isn't driving his blue convertible, he seems to have traded it for a very sensible white audi station wagon...
Hmm, must be a loan car, Logie isn’t widely known for his sensible decisions. I've missed the lads. It's been about 6 months since I've seen ‘em.
From the airport we proceeded to the FDO (Factory Direct Outlet). Although Isaac is flying to Greece in 6 days time, he hasn't begun to pack. This is probably because he has nothing to pack into. The dickhead hasn't got any luggage. To the luggage store! After a half-hour of annoying the girl in the shop, we decided none of the backpacks she was showing us really worked, and that her patience was running a little too thin. We decided to deal with the luggage problem later, for now it seemed we had a bigger problem. The tide was about to start going out, and we were dangerously sober.
If you get stuck on the out-going tide without a drink, it is not a good position to be in. Majority of the time, you have to wait until the tide comes back in before you can get a drink. Not willing to take the risk, we leave FDO, and head to the bottle shop.
Twelve cans of ‘Bundy, dry & lime’. Tragedy averted.
Too be continued...
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