Tuesday, December 12, 2006

it is time...

I would like to say I've had a lot on, but I haven't. I've just been slack. But, I s'pose it's time I actually added something here.

And now for the big news for the month. I'm off to the UK in 12 days! I'm pretty stoked. I'm down right ecstatic to tell the truth.

I'll fly out of Sydney on the 24th of December, landing in Singapore for an hour or so, then on to England to arrive at Heathrow airport at 5.50am on the 25th. Then I'll be staying in London till the 2nd of Jan. My mates J and Mish have graciously offered me some floor space for a few nights. Both live in Manchester, so I'll stay at J's a few nights, and Mish's a few nights, then maybe fork out for a backpackers in London for a few more. Then it's off to Switzerland! Bea's going to meet me at the airport in Zurich, then we'll catch a train or bus up to Frauenfeld. I'll be staying there until the 26th of Jan, and I expect to freeze my arse off. So 3 weeks of (attempting) snowboarding, building snowmen and trying not to make an ass of myself in front of Bea's family & friends. It should be great. And then I'm back through London and Bankok to finally arrive back home in Sydney on the 27th of Jan. 2 days rest, then back to work.

I'll be taking my laptop, and mum and Dave are kind enough to let me use their old camera, so I'll update my blog as I go. Assuming of course I have the time and can find a net connection, otherwise it'll just be one big blog and photo posting session when I get back.

Well, I'm off to cook dinner. See y'all on the flip side.

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