Friday, January 26, 2007

And so the wonderful journey ends...

I'm sitting in a cafe/bar at Heathrow airport. I've been killing time for around 2 hours now, and I figured, what the hell, I'll grab a beer. Then I thought of how big Heathrow is, and they're sure to have a wireless hotspot. So now I find myself here.

I'd like to say I'm happy to be going home. But I'm not. I already miss Bea. And I miss Switzerland. I had such a great time. Bea's family and friends were great. Her brother Eric took me around for a few non-consecutive days. Various wonderful places that I will write about more when I'm sitting in the comfort of my home, rather than a noisy pub. Her other brother Silvan took us to Schaffhausen, he works in a watch-making factory there(how stereotypically Swiss). So we got to go on a tour of the workshops etc. After seeing all of it I can understand the prices. Their "cheapest"
watch is $3000, and their most expensive production watch is $350,000.
Then of course if you're filthy stinking rich, you can get one custom made for no less than $600,000. Yeah, right, pocket change eh.

Bea was also great. She took me to see a lot of Switzerland. Places she'd never been. Most of her friends tend to agree that I've now seen more of Switzerland than most Swiss people.

Anyway, my laptop battery is dying, so I shall wrap up.

I had the most wonderful time of my life there. An experience I shall never forget. Check back in a week or so, and by then I should have uploaded some of the better pics out of the +800 I took.

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