Sunday, October 15, 2006

Pimps & Hos, oh what a night...

So. Last night was the celebration of my mate's 19th birthday. She decided to have a pimps & hos party which was hosted at my place. It was a helluva shin-dig. We didn't have a huge turn-out of people, only about 15 or so. But a brilliant night. We spent most of the night sitting/standing around, looking like pimps, and hos. Some very interesting conversations took place. It was around 4am when we started the deep and meaningful convo about the pros and cons of a communist society. Quite strange.

And of course, the night brought on the first formal complaint from building management. It would seem that we were a little too noisy. But still the night was totally worth it.

Standby for photos, I'll upload them in the next few days.

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